Which One Piece Personalities are You
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Which One Piece Personalities are You?

Most of the time, we try to relate to others. 

We sometimes even go so far as to pretend that we’re someone else!

As fans of One Piece, why don’t we see which Straw Hat pirate we can relate to the most. Just for the sheer fun of it, why don’t we see whose personality matches ours the most?

You ready?



Luffy D Monkey One Piece PersonalitiesAre you carefree? Do you like to go with the flow? If you ignore predicament because of your optimism and belief in yourself, then you resemble Luffy’s personality.

You don’t give promises but when you do you fulfill it no matter what. Most of the time, you act more on instinct than on reasoning. You have a carefree and undeniable depth of personality.

Even though you know that the world is cruel, you still try to see the best in anyone, be it friend or foe. You are absolutely not a materialistic person and you avoid making things more complicated whenever you can. No doubt you are a very giving, and simplistic person.

Even though you’re bubbly, outgoing, friendly, hyperactive, and a bit of a troublemaker, everyone can rely on you regarding serious matters since you are willing to risk your life for the sake of your loved ones.

You don’t mind much. And most of the time, you enjoy playing stupid. You have a happy go lucky attitude as well. And lastly, you may act childish but you are strong-willed.




Roronoa Zoro One Piece PersonalitiesAnger is the emotion that you are often comfortable to show. Usually, you’re stern, serious, and have a distant personality, and you often lose your temper in a jiffy when you’re in the midst of the people you love.

You prefer to stay in a quiet, solemn place rather than outwardly express your emotions publicly. Though you’re aloof, your loyalty is very strong to the person you trust. You care deeply for your people and do all the best to protect them at all cost. Your determination and resilience are amazing.

At critical times you can provide important and logical decisions as you are very perceptive. Also, you’re sensitive when you’re put into embarrassing situations. You pretend or somewhat partially disdain – but not seriously. Not because you disagree with them doesn’t mean you disrespect their beliefs.

You refuse to attack anyone whose back is turned, unless when your friends are in danger of losing their lives. You prefer to fight head-on.

You are very loyal to the people you love and you will stand up for their decisions regardless of whether you personally agree or not. You appear tough and cold, but you have a very kind heart and you’re willing to fight for the sake of those who can’t fight and are abused.

You’re proud of the reputation you’ve built. And you are willing to humble and lower yourself for your friends’ sake. You’re even willing to protect your friend’s friends without knowing them well.




Sanji Kun One Piece PersonalitiesYou’re cool most of the time. You are chivalrous, strong, confident, energetic, gentle and well dressed. You are amorous – easily admired and good-looking. Your sense of fashion is really good. You set up some good standards and great at sticking to your principles.

In serious events, you rarely act without thinking. You prefer to say what people need to hear rather than what they want. And in emotional matters, you’re not afraid to show your emotions.

Even though you look mature, you are not afraid to act foolishly or childishly on certain occasions. You are able to think ahead most of the time, making you extremely clever at important times. When you’ve decided to protect someone, you will put your life on the line for that person. There’s no doubt that you are generous and compassionate. You sympathize with anyone who don’t really want to share their past because you know there’s darkness there that they don’t want to share.

You are very loyal, stoic, clever and protective.

If you’re described as above, Bingo!, you have Sanji’s personality.




Nami San One Piece PersonalitiesA little manipulative and can even turn an entire conversation in your own favor. Acting as the parent or as a person who knows what is the best decision, you are a bit bossy and demanding.

You like money and fashion a lot but not to the point that you will abandon and betray your friends. You also avoid fights as much as possible.

In some occasion, you appear as a coward but in serious matters, you stand up for your family and friends and for what you believe is right. Thus, making you a bold person. You don’t want anyone to hurt your family.

Even though in casual days you act bossy and less sympathetic, you are very compassionate with your family and friends. You are also someone who is sincerely quick in showing sympathy whenever you see that one of them is suffering. What people don’t know though is that you are emotional. You can understand and have insights of others’ feelings. That’s why you are able to manipulate conversations and be bossy to your friends.

You can be defensive over your lack of modesty and you don’t mind it. And even though you like material things to a certain extent, you’re also willing to lose everything if it’s for the sake of the people you love the most. People may view you as heartless sometimes, but you are a forgiving person and always ready to help those in need.




Ussop One Piece PersonalitiesYou’re not as strong as the others, and you rely mostly on your wits to help and assist others. You are naturally sentimental, anxious, and sometimes insecure. You don’t like uncertainty. Though you seem a bit more afraid and scared in critical situations, you’re always there in times of need and you always try your best until you are totally exhausted.

You face your fears for the sake of your friends, people that you know, and those who are simply in need of help. Because you’re totally unselfish and compassionate, you always have trouble seeing your good qualities and your strengths. You may have proved that you can do better but you always doubt yourself.

In perilous times, you never give up trying just for the people you love even if you have a ninety percent chance of failure according to your own calculation.

You’re a bit funny and your creativity and knowledge are impressive.




Tony Chopper One Piece PersonalitiesYou are very supportive of the people around you. You studied really hard to be able to help them more. You might not seem as reliable as others in terms of physical capabilities, but when it comes down to it, you do your very best, not settling for mediocrity. You always want to give the best just to assist people in need.

Childish but upright, you are a friend and a companion who will try anything to accomplish a task given in order to help the rest of the group. Reading books is your way to pass the time whereas naivete and innocence is your prime character. Despite your talent and skill, you don’t usually trust yourself. You are a bit of a coward but can be relied on when it really comes down to a do-or-die situation – even though you don’t believe that your ability is enough, you still stand up and fight for the sake of your friends

You are kind-hearted by nature. You want everyone to be happy and go out of their comfort zone to protect them when they are in a dire situation. It’s undeniable that you have a wisdom to share.


Nico Robin


Nico Robin One Piece PersonalitiesMature, dependent, reserved and mysterious, you don’t show your emotions to others until you get close to them. You’re smart, charming and lackadaisical and you don’t scorn or look down upon the sense of humour of others. Pretty quiet in your personal life, you’re not good at expressing yourself, thus, you look serious to most people.

It’s undeniable that you are rational, and also dependable. Once you fully trust someone, you are willing to support them on their plans, dreams, and decisions. Calm and collected, you can be quite intimidating and forceful when you wish to. When your friends are in an argument, you can balance things out and bring reasons and logic about the current situation.





Franky One Piece Personalities ColaYou are strong-willed, eccentric, free-spirited, and you don’t let people decide what you should do. You do whatever you want and whenever you want. People may think you’re a moron and unreliable but beneath your skin, you are truly mature and dependable. Physically you don’t show them how serious you are since you keep the serious matters in mind.

Truly, you are an altruist. You won’t hesitate to defend your family, friends and even other people. You act when you know someone will be or is in danger. You are absolutely not prejudicial. You just want everyone to be happy. What they don’t know is that you are extremely compassionate.






Brook One Piece PersonalitiesYou are upright, courteous and polite. At the same time, you have an eccentric and childish character. Even in simplest things you appreciate people around you. You’re sensitive and compassionate to others as well and you stand true to your word even though it’s not a promise.

You are very loyal to your real friends, fearlessly protecting them at times, you care deeply about them. You are assertive but you are not afraid or hesitant to step up when needed. You like people to be just the way they are and you don’t forcefully make them change.


Even though the Straw Hats are fictional characters, we relate to them and they, too, have strong and weak personalities just like us.

Did any of them match up with your own personality? Please let us know in the comments below.


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