Anime Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba Kamado Tanjirou Agatsuma Zenitsu Tomioka Giyuu Kamado Nezuko Kochou Shinobu Tokitou Muichirou Iguro Obanai Cosplay Shoes Clog Shoes Halloween prop for Adult freeship New 2019
Source:Kimetsu no Yaiba
Character: Kamado Tanjirou Agatsuma Zenitsu Tomioka Giyuu Kamado Nezuko Kochou Shinobu Tokitou Muichirou Iguro Obanai
Condition :Â New
Includes: 1 Pair shoes
Colour may be a little different between CRT and LCD screens. PLEASE DON’T BUY if you are too sensitive to the slightest colour difference.
Size Chart
38=24.5cm,Suitable for 35-38,40=25.5cm,Suitable for 38-40,34=23cm, Suitable for 32-34
37=24cm,Suitable for 34-37,40=25cm,Suitable for 38-40,42=26cm, Suitable for 41-42,
44=27cm, Suitable for 43-44,
Attention:this is the data for tiled image,therefore there may be  2-4cm  error,take it into consideration when placing an order if you mind it.